Thursday, 14 August 2014

Lets get busy !!

For those of ya wondering why a new blog title and a post after a long time ...its because there s lot of new stuff happening in sunshine and his mommy s life. Right now my life is full of wonderful responsibilities and it's those things that need my time and attention.  I won't say for sure that I'm through with blogging :) in fact there s most to come now So i have a new full time job and my sunshine has a full time school its just been  super super busy...... in short you can imagine its like sailing in new waters after 3 years of a fruitful, joyous, super fun, ultra laid back sabatical :)) but im excited  i've got back to my career something i always loved the investment industry and im even more charged up bcos i interviewed with the world s largest investment/ asset management co and yes i bagged the job !! Well life is going to be super busy i know but my love, my boy and his amazing toddlerhood cannot stop me from blogging but of course!! so i just wanted to blog a bit on on the stuff we 've been doing otherwise despite our busy schedules.  (afterall i want to read all of this and want him to read when he grows up :))

I must admit i'm a big fan of montessori and im trying to montessori proof my whole house  with montessori tools in the living room, bedroom, bathroom and of course his room oh not to forget our patio too (balcony) Oh no im not home schooling my kid in the real sense if you thought so .. but i got inspired by the various things i ve seen and been reading. actually so when sunshine was 2 i got a little curious into this subject and realised the musical toys (noisy i say....) mobile gadgets, ipad etc is such a waste of time & money on kids. After sunshines s first birthday our room was filled to the brim with toys really not knowing which one to open and play with it was so overwhelming i can't tell you the house was a circus trust me !! As time passed and we moved to the west i i kept reading and reading i started investing in some really inexpensive toys/tools initially where he can use his fine motor skills, develop hand eye co - ordination, and develop more curiosity. This was my takeaways from the reading i did. So very simply Montessori means bringing in a lot of practicality in your child s life. .Everything from science to geography to nature can be taught to a 2 - 6 year old kiddo. It promotes mindful learning, independance and self discovery. Interesting isnt it.  The best part now the toys do it all its called tools in mont. So we have decided to get organised and be a montesserian its just creating that space for your child with supervision and child proofing of course. Most importantly organizing everything is the key and it encourage your kids to be organized and responsible..too yes it can come as early as 3 years of age.

Today i do a lot of practicality and 'sensory basket' related activities for sunshine who has suddenly turned super busy like the bumble bee :) building his hive !!

Sensory basket is simply placing a few tools in a tray or basket and indulging a curioisity in your child s mind i typically place it in his work station a small table chair but if i have many tools i use the dining table in the living room. Yes make use of your living room too do not show off your costly cuttlery and bar accesories cummon its a kiddos house so dont dump everything in his room make use of the space all over the house. im yet to click more pictures of my house and how i have created corners for his activities.

Why the word sensory  - The sense of touch or using your fine motor skills like fingers and hands is the exact meaning of sensory. Most often kids find it diffficult to hold a pencil before they begin to write thats bcos their sense of touch is just beginning to develop. so its awesome to introduce them to various sensory related activities between 2 to 6 years of age.

Well so ..So here is Mr Bumble bee s Hive:

And he gets busy... the artist in him!!
Activity -Lets paint - placed tools (* sheets and paint & brush)in a sensory basket 

Activity - Lets learn the 4 seasons 
And we are leaning summers here :)

Activity - The Bug a boo project 

Getting busy like the bugss

An awesome sensory tool wooden puzzles
Now this sensory basket contains animals & vehicles and some flash cards to match it up
Activity - Lets count !!
Activity - numbering small <medium<large

Activity - lets stack - promotes hand eye co ordination,fine motor skills

                                                        build with patience :)

The secret of good teaching is to regard the child's intelligence as a fertile field in which seeds may be sown, to grow under the heat of flaming imagination."

- Dr Maria Montessori 

Love your child ! Respect your child! Count their opinion & Let them explore their little world ..

Lots of love & Regards,
Sunshine Bumble Bee s Mommy :)

P.S - Watch out for more activities and Montessori Home space in my next blog :) i might be as slow as a tortoise in compiling and putting everything together now that we are busy and there is zero free time but please bear with me :):)